Thursday, July 12, 2012

Special: "No Sane Person" or "Summer Travels Pt. 1"

My summer holiday is half over and I realized that I have not updated my blog at all since leaving Kazakhstan.  So I give you a monster of a few of my favorite photos from the places I have been thus far.

First: an ominous warning from Philadelphia:

"Warning No [sane] person allowed beyond this point"

My trip began in Philadelphia where I took a week-long course at Villanova, saw some Independence Day festivities, and caught up with old friends.

The Independence Day Parade in front of Independence Hall

My next stop was two conversation filled nights with LB in New York which also featured trips to the Botanical Gardens, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and some wonderful Gelato.

A fountain (People of Mer-ville, BEWARE) in the Botanical Gardens
A magical back staircase in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Cloud City (unfortunatly sans Lando Calrissian) atop the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Finally, my travels took me to DC where I made the obligatory pilgrimage to the Lincoln Memorial and met up with my friend Ruth.

A boy reading the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Memorial
I feel as though I have not really done justice to the trip in this post.  Perhaps I will have to add a postscript later (don't feel obligated to laugh at the pun.  No pun-laughing required here).